Non-vocational adult education

– European exchange of experiences



About project

Project title: Non-vocational adult education – European exchange of experiences

Project number: 2017-1-PL01-KA204-038827

Programme: ERASMUS+ (Adult Education)

Key action: 2 Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices

Type: Strategic Partnerships supporting exchange of good practices

Duration: from 01-12-2017 to 31-01-2019 (14 months)

This project is co-funded by the European Union under the Erasmus+ Programme.


Stowarzyszenie “EBI Association”, Jastrzębie-Zdrój, Poland (Applicant)

EBI Association is a non-profit organization functioning from 2016. It works for the development of Education, Business and Innovation. Knowing how important it is to combine these three pillars in the creation of a modern knowledge-based society, we try to implement projects, which, on the synergy principles, focus on a development of science, entrepreneurship and allow implementation of interesting innovations in the region.

The staff potential of the Association is represented by its 15 founding members, who have the knowledge and experience from various fields of life. There are experienced entrepreneurs, representatives of health service, teachers and trainers, specialists for innovations and modern technologies and representatives of economic self-government. Everyone, as activists and social workers, would like to create conditions for both personal and professional development of residents of the region, indirectly contributing to the increase of the activity of the association beneficiaries in European society.

In addition, most of the members have experience in the implementation of projects financed from external sources, both national and transnational (Operational Programmes, Leonardo da Vinci – PLM, IVT, VETPRO, Grundtvig, Swiss Contribution and Erasmus+ Programme).

The Association builds its own cooperation network i.a. through contacts with local, regional, and international institutions and organizations.




E-C-C Verein fuer interdisziplinaere Bildung und Beratung, Würnitz, Austria

E-C-C Association for Interdisciplinary Consulting and Education was founded 2008 as non-profit association for interdisciplinary research, consulting and education. ECC works with some 20 experts, lecturers and trainers who cover our working fields, especially managing and coordinating scientific cooperation and educational projects in European research and education programmes. ECC is registered member of various European research organisations, e.g. at the European Training Village (CEDEFOP), Euroscience and the European Association of Vocational Training Providers, and also of the Mediterranean Migration Network.

E-C-C focuses on the interdisciplinary approach at personal and vocational coaching and counselling. Our team of experienced and qualified counsellors, coaches and trainers has been collaborating with European social and psychological institutions, education providers, labour market organizations, and other transnational project coordinators.

E-C-C are specialized in the following themes:

  • Training of social competences
  • Non-formal education
  • Key competences
  • Psychology and mental health
  • Train the trainer programmes
  • Labour market qualification




Jafnréttishús / Equality Centre, Hafnarfjörður, Iceland

Equality Centre / Jafnréttishús is a private NGO founded in April 2008 in Hafnarfjordur, Iceland.  It is international not for profit adult education provider. It employs 5 staff members and has wide subcontracting-network with specialists in various fields. On average, it provides education to over 300 learners per year in various fields (such as, language skills, culture of other nations and etc.).

The main goals of the organization are:

  • Promote equality and work on its implementation
  • Raise awareness and help the more sensitive parts of society (discriminated by race, faith, sexual orientation, etc.) and the “silenced” parts of society (women, children, immigrants, disabled, etc.)
  • Empower the sectors of society who are otherwise neglected and enable them to find help, defend themselves or negotiate equality.

In addition to the main goals, Equality Centre carries out many tasks that are often brought to light thanks to visitors of the Equality Centre seeking help, whether it be speaking on legal issues or lobbying for immigrants and women.



Society of Pierian Studies ''ESTIA PIERIDON MUSON'' KATERINI, Katerini, Greece

Estia Pieridon Muson(EPM) was established in 1954 as a non-profit cultural institution. Its aim is the promotion of culture, art and tradition in local society of Pieria prefecture.  All these years EPM is leading the artistic movement of Pieria with events aiming at the exchange of ideas and the work of local and foreign artists. More than 250 members are currently active in our institution.

EPM has active entities in the areas:

  • Photography
  • Chorus
  • Traditional & religious music
  • Folk dance ensemble
  • Theater

A main sector of activities of EPM is to enhance the cultural capacity of entities in different areas of local society. Women unemployment and groups of people with fewer opportunities are among our priority targets.

Recently, EPM was awarded the prize of Athens Academy for her overall cultural contribution to the Pierian local society.


Website: on facebook


Main objectives of the project:

  1. transfer of knowledge, exchange of experience and good practices in:
    • adult education systems
    • the effective ways of motivating adults for learning process
    • promotion of lifelong learning among adults
    • valuation criteria for assessing and improving the training system quality (adults education)
    • improving the attractiveness of adult education
    • developing the educational/training programs for adult learners with the use of ICT
    • adjusting directions of further education/training programs to the needs of adults
  2. increase of administration capacity of organizations offering the lifelong education possibilities
  3. professional development of administrative personnel in the field of effective organization and promotion of adult education
  4. professional development of adult educators, including deepening their knowledge, improving teaching skills, performing tasks and teaching methods and techniques,
  5. increase the active participation of adults in social life
  6. personal development of participants
  7. increase of adaptability and intercultural skills of participants
  8. improvement of language competences of participants
  9. establishment of international contacts
  10. activation of cooperation between organizations or institutions of adult education and training in Europe
  11. promotion of quality improvement and innovation of systems, institutions and practices in the field of adult education and training

Additional topics to discussed within the project:

  • non-vocational adult education of seniors: e.g. courses in senior’s homes, universities of the third age (subjects of training, curricula)
  • non-vocational adult education of people at risk of social exclusion and with limited access to educational offer
  • non-vocational adult education of immigrants and refugees
  • factors determining the creation of active and long-lasting circles of hobbies / interests

The problem which stimulated us to action:

  1. lack of motivation of adults to learn all their life and weak motivation of adults to continuous participation in classes
  2. low number of attractive training topics/subjects for adults / low adjustment of directions and curricula of further education and training to the educational needs of adults
  3. the lack of tools to open innovative directions of further education and training for adults
  4. lack of information about lifelong learning possibilities
  5. very low use of ICT in teaching and learning process of adults
  6. low activity of adults in the membership in an European society

The needs which we identified:

  1. to improve adults motivation for learning process
  2. to promote lifelong learning among adults
  3. to make learning enjoyable and attractive to adult people
  4. to increase the use of ICT in teaching and learning process of adults
  5. to get to know the methods of involving adults in the process of designing and developing materials and methodologies of teaching and learning
  6. to get to know the tools (which are used in the partner countries) to acquire and to adjust the educational offer (directions and curricula of further education and training) to the educational needs of adults


Main results of the project:

Tangible results:

Intangible results:

  • higher attractiveness of adult education
  • professional development of educators, higher  educators’ competences
  • personal development of participants
    • improved language competences of participants
    • the increase of adaptability
    • development of intercultural skills of participants
    • improved personal and social competences
  • cooperation network
  • experience in project implementation

Target group

staff active in education and training
experts, specialists, professionals
adult learners

Methods of work:

  1. exchange of experience and good practice
  2. presentations
  3. communication through social media, website
  4. workshops and seminars with the theme of the project
  5. discussions
  6. study visits


Within the project we plan to organise 5 transnational project meetings. It will be a possibility to discussed about project issues, to exchange the knowledge and experiences, to share good practises and to get to know our partners activities.


Transnational project meetings:

1st TPM

Dates: 5-6/03/2018

Venue: Katowice, Poland

Host organisation: Stowarzyszenie “EBI Association”


Minutes of meeting



2nd TPM

Dates: 14-15/04/2018

Venue: Katerini, Greece

Host organisation: Estia Pieridon Muson


Minutes of meeting



3rd TPM

Dates: 27-28/08/2018

Venue: Vienna, Austria

Host organisation: E-C-C Verein fuer interdisziplinaere Bildung und Beratung


Minutes of meeting



4th TPM

Dates: 08-09/10/2018

Venue: Hafnarfjörður, Iceland

Host organisation: Jafnréttishús


Minutes of meeting



5th TPM

Dates: 25-27/11/2018

Venue: Jastrzębie-Zdrój, Poland

Host organisation: Stowarzyszenie “EBI Association”


Minutes of meeting
